Project setup
The WebAPI are vast and ever-growing. We need your help to make them better.
There is no way our contributors can cover everything.
And that’s where you come in! A small PR, focused on what you want to get out of this project can make a huge difference.
Recommended workflow
We recommend the following overall workflow when developing for this repository:
- Fork this repository
- Always work in your fork
- Always keep your fork up to date
Before updating your fork, run this command:
git remote add upstream
This will make management of multiple forks and your own work easier over time.
Updating your fork
We recommend the following commands to update your fork:
git checkout maingit clean -xdfgit fetch upstreamgit rebase upstream/maingit push
Or more succinctly:
git checkout main && git clean -xdf && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/main && git push
This will update your fork with the latest from rescript-lang/experimental-rescript-webapi
on your machine and push those updates to your remote fork.
Initial build
Install the dependencies and compile the bindings using ReScript
npm install && npm run build