Appends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture.
When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET.
When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners.
When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed.
If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted.
The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture. Read more on MDN
let addEventListener: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener<'event>, ~options: WebAPI.EventAPI.addEventListenerOptions=?,) => unit
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener option< WebAPI.EventAPI.addEventListenerOptions >Return type
Appends an event listener for events whose type attribute value is type. The callback argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.
The options argument sets listener-specific options. For compatibility this can be a boolean, in which case the method behaves exactly as if the value was specified as options's capture.
When set to true, options's capture prevents callback from being invoked when the event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE. When false (or not present), callback will not be invoked when event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE. Either way, callback will be invoked if event's eventPhase attribute value is AT_TARGET.
When set to true, options's passive indicates that the callback will not cancel the event by invoking preventDefault(). This is used to enable performance optimizations described in § 2.8 Observing event listeners.
When set to true, options's once indicates that the callback will only be invoked once after which the event listener will be removed.
If an AbortSignal is passed for options's signal, then the event listener will be removed when signal is aborted.
The event listener is appended to target's event listener list and is not appended if it has the same type, callback, and capture. Read more on MDN
let addEventListener_useCapture: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener<'event>,) => unit
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListenerReturn type
let alert: WebAPI.DOMAPI.window => unit
let alert2: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, string) => unit
let asEventTarget: WebAPI.DOMAPI.window => WebAPI.EventAPI.eventTarget
let atob: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, string) => string
let btoa: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, string) => string
let cancelAnimationFrame: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, int) => unit
let cancelIdleCallback: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, int) => unit
let clearInterval: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, int) => unit
let clearTimeout: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, int) => unit
let confirm: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~message: string=?) => bool
let createImageBitmap: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlImageElement, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlImageElement option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap10
let createImageBitmap10: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlImageElement, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlImageElement int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap11
let createImageBitmap11: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.svgImageElement, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.svgImageElement int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap12
let createImageBitmap12: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlVideoElement, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlVideoElement int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap13
let createImageBitmap13: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlCanvasElement, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlCanvasElement int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap14
let createImageBitmap14: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap15
let createImageBitmap15: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.CanvasAPI.offscreenCanvas, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.CanvasAPI.offscreenCanvas int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap16
let createImageBitmap16: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.videoFrame, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.videoFrame int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap17
let createImageBitmap17: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.FileAPI.blob, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.FileAPI.blob int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap18
let createImageBitmap18: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageData, ~sx: int, ~sy: int, ~sw: int, ~sh: int, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageData int int int int option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap2
let createImageBitmap2: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.svgImageElement, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.svgImageElement option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap3
let createImageBitmap3: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlVideoElement, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlVideoElement option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap4
let createImageBitmap4: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlCanvasElement, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.htmlCanvasElement option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap5
let createImageBitmap5: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap6
let createImageBitmap6: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.CanvasAPI.offscreenCanvas, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.CanvasAPI.offscreenCanvas option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap7
let createImageBitmap7: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.videoFrame, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.videoFrame option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap8
let createImageBitmap8: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.FileAPI.blob, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.FileAPI.blob option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >createImageBitmap9
let createImageBitmap9: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~image: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageData, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions=?,) => promise<WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageData option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.imageBitmapOptions >Return type
promise< WebAPI.CanvasAPI.imageBitmap >dispatchEvent
Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise. Read more on MDN
let dispatchEvent: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.EventAPI.event) => bool
fetch(window, string, init)
Starts the process of fetching a resource from the network, returning a promise that is fulfilled once the response is available.
let response = await window->Window.fetch("")
let fetch: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, string, ~init: WebAPI.FetchAPI.requestInit=?,) => promise<WebAPI.FetchAPI.response>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window string option< WebAPI.FetchAPI.requestInit >Return type
promise< WebAPI.FetchAPI.response >fetch_withRequest
fetch_withRequest(window, request, init)
Starts the process of fetching a resource from the network, returning a promise that is fulfilled once the response is available.
let response = await window->Window.fetch(myRequest)
let fetch_withRequest: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.FetchAPI.request, ~init: WebAPI.FetchAPI.requestInit=?,) => promise<WebAPI.FetchAPI.response>
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.FetchAPI.request option< WebAPI.FetchAPI.requestInit >Return type
promise< WebAPI.FetchAPI.response >focus
Moves the focus to the window's browsing context, if any. Read more on MDN
let focus: WebAPI.DOMAPI.window => unit
let getComputedStyle: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~elt: WebAPI.DOMAPI.element, ~pseudoElt: string=?,) => WebAPI.DOMAPI.cssStyleDeclaration
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.element option< string >Return type
let getSelection: WebAPI.DOMAPI.window => WebAPI.DOMAPI.selection
let matchMedia: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, string,) => WebAPI.DOMAPI.mediaQueryList
let moveBy: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: int, ~y: int) => unit
let moveTo: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: int, ~y: int) => unit
let open_: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~url: string=?, ~target: string=?, ~features: string=?,) => WebAPI.DOMAPI.window
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window option< string > option< string > option< string >Return type
Posts a message to the given window. Messages can be structured objects, e.g. nested objects and arrays, can contain JavaScript values (strings, numbers, Date objects, etc), and can contain certain data objects such as File Blob, FileList, and ArrayBuffer objects.
Objects listed in the transfer member of options are transferred, not just cloned, meaning that they are no longer usable on the sending side.
A target origin can be specified using the targetOrigin member of options. If not provided, it defaults to "/". This default restricts the message to same-origin targets only.
If the origin of the target window doesn't match the given target origin, the message is discarded, to avoid information leakage. To send the message to the target regardless of origin, set the target origin to "*".
Throws a "DataCloneError" DOMException if transfer array contains duplicate objects or if message could not be cloned. Read more on MDN
let postMessage: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~message: JSON.t, ~targetOrigin: string, ~transfer: array<Dict.t<string>>=?,) => unit
Posts a message to the given window. Messages can be structured objects, e.g. nested objects and arrays, can contain JavaScript values (strings, numbers, Date objects, etc), and can contain certain data objects such as File Blob, FileList, and ArrayBuffer objects.
Objects listed in the transfer member of options are transferred, not just cloned, meaning that they are no longer usable on the sending side.
A target origin can be specified using the targetOrigin member of options. If not provided, it defaults to "/". This default restricts the message to same-origin targets only.
If the origin of the target window doesn't match the given target origin, the message is discarded, to avoid information leakage. To send the message to the target regardless of origin, set the target origin to "*".
Throws a "DataCloneError" DOMException if transfer array contains duplicate objects or if message could not be cloned. Read more on MDN
let postMessage2: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~message: JSON.t, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.windowPostMessageOptions=?,) => unit
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window JSON.t option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.windowPostMessageOptions >Return type
unitlet print: WebAPI.DOMAPI.window => unit
let prompt: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~message: string=?, ~default: string=?,) => string
let queueMicrotask: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.DOMAPI.voidFunction) => unit
Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options. Read more on MDN
let removeEventListener: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener<'event>, ~options: WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListenerOptions=?,) => unit
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener option< WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListenerOptions >Return type
Removes the event listener in target's event listener list with the same type, callback, and options. Read more on MDN
let removeEventListener_useCapture: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType, WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListener<'event>,) => unit
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.EventAPI.eventType WebAPI.EventAPI.eventListenerReturn type
let reportError: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, JSON.t) => unit
let requestAnimationFrame: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, WebAPI.DOMAPI.frameRequestCallback,) => int
let requestIdleCallback: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~callback: WebAPI.DOMAPI.idleRequestCallback, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.idleRequestOptions=?,) => int
WebAPI.DOMAPI.window WebAPI.DOMAPI.idleRequestCallback option< WebAPI.DOMAPI.idleRequestOptions >Return type
let resizeBy: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: int, ~y: int) => unit
let resizeTo: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~width: int, ~height: int) => unit
let scroll: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.scrollToOptions=?,) => unit
let scroll2: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: float, ~y: float) => unit
let scrollBy: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.scrollToOptions=?,) => unit
let scrollBy2: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: float, ~y: float) => unit
let scrollTo: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~options: WebAPI.DOMAPI.scrollToOptions=?,) => unit
let scrollTo2: (WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~x: float, ~y: float) => unit
let setInterval: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~handler: string, ~timeout: int=?,) => int
let setInterval2: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~handler: unit => unit, ~timeout: int=?,) => int
let setTimeout: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~handler: string, ~timeout: int=?,) => int
let setTimeout2: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, ~handler: unit => unit, ~timeout: int=?,) => int
let structuredClone: ( WebAPI.DOMAPI.window, 't, ~options: WebAPI.ChannelMessagingAPI.structuredSerializeOptions=?,) => 't