Compares two values as keys. Returns -1 if key1 precedes key2, 1 if key2 precedes key1, and 0 if the keys are equal.
Throws a "DataError" DOMException if either input is not a valid key. Read more on MDN
let cmp: ( WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbFactory, ~first: JSON.t, ~second: JSON.t,) => int
let databases: WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbFactory => promise< array<WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbDatabaseInfo>,>
WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbFactoryReturn type
promise< array< WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbDatabaseInfo > >deleteDatabase
Attempts to delete the named database. If the database already exists and there are open connections that don't close in response to a versionchange event, the request will be blocked until all they close. If the request is successful request's result will be null. Read more on MDN
let deleteDatabase: ( WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbFactory, string,) => WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbOpenDBRequest
Attempts to open a connection to the named database with the current version, or 1 if it does not already exist. If the request is successful request's result will be the connection. Read more on MDN
let open_: ( WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbFactory, ~name: string, ~version: int=?,) => WebAPI.IndexedDBAPI.idbOpenDBRequest